Monday 25 January 2010

The preliminary task

Im Gemma :) and I am working with Daisy Coates and Chloe Levin and together we are BigJugProductions

The preliminary task is a short experiment that we do in order to introduce us into the aspects of producing our own film, we experiment with the use of camera angles and editing

Idea 1) A Doctors surgery; A patient enters the room and exchanges diaglogue with the Doctor, the diaglogue would most probably be bad news.

Idea 2) A police Station; For this we are thinking about filming shots of a person enterting the Police Station, walking up to the counter and exchanging dialogue with the police man at the counter.

Idea 3) The Train Journey; This one we are thinking about having a person rushing onto a train through the train doors, finding somewhere to sit and then exchanging dialogue with the person opposite.

We have chosen the idea of a Doctors surgery for are perliminary task, we began drwaing up a storyboard in order to show what shots and actions will take place in the short sequence.
We have alos thought about;
-Location- We chose to have our Premilinary Task filmed in one of the science rooms within our school building, this is because most of our science do contain alot of poster about the human body and genrally about science, we thought that the science rooms look more like a consultants/doctors room.
-Props- To add to the effect of the doctors surgery we we're thinking about having a skeleton in the background and alot of posters aswell. We will also have a desk and chairs where the diaglogue will take place, situated on the desk will be a set of folders and pherhaps a laptop, this is to show where the doctor has got the results from.
-Costume-We are going to have Mr.Foxton a science teacher in our school to play the doctor he is going to be wearing a white lab coat which will show he is the Doctor. Our patient will be played by Amy Thorburn who will be wearing smart but casual clothes.
-Dialogue-The dialogue we will have will more or less go on the lines of "Im sorry its bad news"..."your results are Positive" being said from the Doctor, then there will no diaglogue said after that.

While we began Story boarding our ideas, we needed to understand the concept of the 180 degree rule.

In order to help me understand the 180 degree rule, i went onto youtube and researched what the rule was, These are the three main videos that helped me and my group;

I also checked out some websites i found which also help explain what the 180 degree rule is;

So, i now understand that the 180 Degree Rule is where; There is an imaginary line drawn across the frame or screen, this line is something that you should not cross, as when filming the disorientation two characters within the scene should always have the same left/right relationship to each other. If you cross this line it causes alot of confusion and for the viewers. If the camera crosses the imaginary line which links the two characters, it is called crossing the line. The new shot from the opposite side is called the reverse angle. This angle should be avoided. However there is away to cross the imaginary line, and that is by Panning around one of the characters, this camera movement of panning is done so that the viewers can see the crossing of the line and the change in the characters left/right relationship.

Story Board;

What will happen in our preliminary tasks is, The patient played by Amy Thorburn will wait outside the consultants/Doctors room, we will shoot her from a high angle perspective as this shows that she is in a vulnerable state. We will have amy perhaps twideling her thumbs and shaking her feet, acting all fidgety in order to show that she is nervous. The camera then does a Cut-in shot of her hands, usually a cut in shot is placed in the shot to show that it relates and is significant to the plot, we placed it here to add detail, the camera will then do a close up of the door opening and amy waking walking, we will see her entering the room and taking a seat, the camera then does an over-the-shoulder shot of amys perspective, here the dialogue will be exchanged, the camera then swithes to Mr zaidi's point of view with a extreme close up of amys face, this is to show the change in emotion once the bad news has been told. Bearing in mind throughout the whole of filming we will stick to the 180 degree rule by sticking to the left hand side of each character so there eye relationship stays focused.

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