Friday 12 February 2010

The Finished Video

Finished video

Due to the camera's not being avalible when we needed them, we had to change some minor things within our preliminary task. When we did get the cameras we firstly had to change; our cast, luckily we were still able to get Amy Thorburn to participate in our clip, however due to Mr.Foxton not being avalible when we finally got a camera, we decided to use Mr Zaidi, this still worked well with our plan as Mr Zaidi played the part quite convincingly. The other point we had to change was the location of our task, we changed from using a Science classroom to Mr.Kennedy's Office, this was becuase all the science classrooms were not availible at the time when we began filming. We chose Mr Kennedy's office out of all other possible locations as to our advantage it seemed the right size and appearance to convincingly pull off a Doctors/Consultants room. All in all, the experience of producing and participating in the making of the preliminary task, has taught us all how to actually work a camera, edit and use the techniques we had been taught to our advantages.

The shots that we incorporated into out preliminary task were;

High angle shot; we used this shot at the beginning of the video were amy was waiting to enter the consultant room, we felt thsi shot made her look vulnerbale which is she, and also worked well with the plot. the high angle shot also enabled us to view her fidgeting and getting anxious.

Close ups;
we used the close up shots three times throughout the video, the first time was the close up of amys hands here she was twiddling her thumbs and seemed very fidgety, this emphasized the anxiety she had, the next close up we had was of the door opening we put this in to show that the door is opening and to add a different twist to the standard shot of a door opening, the final and last shot was the extreme close up of amys face after the bad news was given , we used this shot because it meant that the audience could see the emotion upon amys face.

Over-the shoulder shots;
we used the over shoulder shots whilst the dialogue was being exchanged, we firstly shot the over shoulder shot over amys shoulder, to the left, whilst Mr Zaidi was telling the bad news to her, with the help of editing we then switched the shot to Mr Zaidis point of view and here we got the extreme close up of amys face.

180 degree rule;
We managed to keep to the rule by always sticking to left hand side of the frame.

After filming our video, we then edited the film. Instead of having each shot switching quite sharply, we decided to merge some shots together to make the video flow alot easier. Here we also merged some of the digetic sound within one shot into a different shot, for example we first shot Mr Zaidi reaveling the bad news to amy and then the camera would cut to her face after it was said, with the help of editing we managed to over lap the ending of the diaglogue "im sorry its bad news" with the extreme close up of amys face, this worked well as we then got to see her first reaction as soon as the news was told. We then also decided to add some non-Digetic sound to it, we added the start (the instrumental) of Beyonce Knowles's "Halo" to the end of our video, we chose the start of the music because the instrumental of the music is very moving and surreal and fits well with our plot. We also thought that by putting it at the end would fit alot better becuase in the video the bad news would have just been told and the non-digetic music after it creates a heartbreaking mood.

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