Sunday 14 March 2010

Filming and Editing

Before we began filming, we started to think weather or not our story board would work due the camera shots that we would be have to do. For example the shot where i had to hang out of the window, even though we had taken the risk assesment for it, we still did not know weather it would look effective, and also the high risk involved did also worry us. However in the end we did take the high risk and luckily it was very beneficial for us, The angle the camera was set was very effect and created a real sense that the girl was trapped, it made us sympathise with her as the audience were placed on the outside free and she was stuck in inside screaming.

During the filming, everything went according to the storyboard and we had no problems. The area we were filming in was set out perfectly so there were no problems in camera angles. We had planned throughly what was going to take place, also as we filmed in chronological order of the opening sequence, when it came to editing the shots all practically fitted together.


To help us edit our opening sequence we used a excellent editing programme called Sony Vegas Pro which is a software that enables you to edit things which can produce effective media techniques such as fades and filters. The editing software really helped us to create our opening sequence, while also teching us how to use different media techniques in our sequence. I feel my skills have improved from using this software.

However obviosuly we needed to edit as even though they fitted together we felt that the flow of the shots still were a bit off. In order to make it flow easier we decided to fade/overlap and merge some shots together, espeically at the sta
rt where we fade two close up of the victims face togther, we did this as it not only makes it flow easier but it also gives the sense that time has passed which makes the audience wonder how long the girl has actually been there for. Which we wanted to create as she would have taken a while to come round.

After having edited the whole of the clips we had, we decided that maybe we could add some extra details in, We wanted to try out what the film would look like in black and white, so after doing this we all agreed that it just didnt fit in with our genre and that the colour of blood should be visable, we felt that having it in colour looked more effective and really could capture the audiences attention, also we felt that black and white did not represent the genre well, torture porn is very graphic and deals with situations that could possibly happen, Black and white is a very clear view of the world, a simple yes or no and there is no middle lining, Our film we thought was the middle lining and havi
ng it in black and white just wasnt right. These situation could possibly happen, So we stuck with having it in colour, also we stuck with it becuase it made the blood more visable and the shot more..."wow" That was until we watched it throughly that we thought that one particular shot is very similar to a shot a CCTV camera could possibly have.
We had filmed a shot that was at a high angle from one end of the room, the shot contained the victim trying to untie herself and get out. As its a high angled it not only makes her seem vulnerable and alone but aslo looks as if it is being recorded, so we decided to change only this scene into black white, as most CCTV cameras are in black and white, we then added tittles to the bottom of it, with the time, date and camera number 1, giving the idea that there is more than one camera in the room. It gives the impression that the killer has always been around as he is still watching the victim, it also makes sense as at the end, he finds her trying to get out, the CCTV shot makes it seem that he watched her leave the room so he knew where she was going. We also had looked at Saw and we realised that it can look good as during Saw Films there is always someone watching the victims.

One main problem we had was the sound, the Digetic sound of the victims breathing, we realised that as we fitted and made the shots all work perfectly the sound just didnt sound right, this was becuase the rbeathing didnt fit
, so what we had to do was, edit some of the sound. The main problem areas of this, was when the victim stepped out of the room, the sound from out of the room was alot different and really picked up alot of background noise that we didnt even realise was there, so what we did was, using the skills we learnt, we deleted the sound that was in this shot and replaced it with sound from other areas of the scene, which worked well with her leaving the room.

Another time was when she walks down the stairs, we have a shot from the top of the stairs which has a normal digetic sound of her breathing howver when the camera changes angle
s, to the bottom of the stairs, the breathing sounds very muffled and different, here we again deleted the sound from the shot and replaced it with other sound from other areas that fitted in well.
It was a tricky thing to work out as it still had to work with the facial expressions she was doing, for example we couldnt take sound from when she as wimpering if her facial expression wasnt her wimpering. But that editing techniqueimprove the whole flow really did of the sequence.

We had the problem of weather or not to add some non-digetic sound, meaning music, to our sequence. We finally decided that we should not have any music in the background because we felt that without music and just having the heavy breathing create an intense atmosphere to the audience and really built suspense. We also thought it seemed more realistic that there was no music going on, we thought that if we did have music it would take away the realism of the sequence- that stuff like this can actually happen! and you really wouldnt have music during it- We also couldnt find the right music to go with the sequence... we genrally just thought that not having any non-digetic sound worked alot better just becuase it made the whole feeling for it alot more freaky and scary. Also you could really identify with the charcter and really feel what she is feeling cuase there is no music destracting you making you feel uncomfortable. Some may say that having music creates a more intense build up but we really didnt want that from just the opening.
So we decided just to leave it with heavy breathing as it really does create a goose-pimpling effect. We also made sure that people found it scary and realistic before submitting it as the final draft... so we posted our video on facebook and got some really good feedback that helped confirm weather or not we should have music... we made a deal that if people liked it the way it is and got scared by wathcin it we will stick with it.


The feedback we got was very positive and exactly what we wanted, so we decided to keep the film the wa
y it was.
We got told
our media was "seriosuly fucked up" which is what we really wanted...we wanted to make the audiences feel uncomfortable which by the comments we got we certianly did :)
We also asked other people about our video and we got such feedback as "excellent...disturbing but excellent".

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