Wednesday 10 March 2010

More Stuff really

To start our opening sequence the sound will be silent as the door slowly opens to reveal the girl laying tied up to a bed, at first we can only see that she perhaps has been hurt and it is not until we get close upthat we see the extent of damage and torture she has gone through. Greasy dirty hair and black eyes with blood show that she has gone through some form of torture and has been kept there for awhile. The drilling sound begins and as the girl begins to come round from the loud sound she realises what has happened to her. The camera then shows the audience that she is tied up and begins to franctically panick, The girl manages to un tie herself and it is up till now that we fully see the are she is in and the way she looks, her clothes are torn and bloody which again show the extent of torture and cruel things the girl has gone through.

The camera switches to a high angle shot at the foot of the bed to show that she is vulnerbale and also we see the conidtions she is in and where abouts she actual is, we establish the setting here.

We have decided to have a shot of the girl banging on the windows to really shwo she is trapped, we are filming this from the outside, this blocking some of the sound and making it quiter and also we want to express the fact that this girl is deserate to get help and we think it is a powerful shot.
After this the girl begins to act phsycotic which shows that her sanity is starting to deteriate, she is despeartly wanting to get out and starts to think of attempting to kill the unkown killer, The use of tools we use and show are very strong and powerful to us as it shows the real depth of torture the girl has gone through as these tools were obviosuly used on her.

As the girl escapes from the room the low angle shot makes her seem as if she is the pwerful one out of the two. However this changes as she starts to panick and starts to walk down the stars
The key aspect of the film is making the killer un seen by the audience but however still creating the effect and feeling that he is still there, this makes the audience feel uneasy as they know he is there but cannot see him which plays on their mind.
The next part is where the killer mainly start to come out, the camera takes the role of the killer ans begins to move down the stairs towards to the girl, obviously wanting to kill her, she at the same time starts screaming at the camera or "the killer" with pleas and begs. The camera gets very close to her and then cuts to the outside of the house where we see the girl die, We are making an opening sequence which could progress onto perhaps new killings in more detail during the rest of the film. We feel the opening seenw ill be effective and should set the audience up for what could possibly come next, also we think it will draw them into the film.

Shooting Script;
Mid shot of door opening and we are revealed to the girl.

Extreme close up of girls face from side of bed, while drilling noise starts, girl awakes
Close up of hands tied to bed, frantically trying to un tie them

High angle and mid shot from foot of the bed, showing full length of girls body and her untying her feet.

Mid shot from side of room, of girl walking past camera to the windows

Close up of girl banging on windows, shooting this from outside, bascially hanging out the window.

Mid body shot then of girl backing away and seeing tools,

Close up of tools and hand grabbing one,

Side extreme close up of girls face, she walks past camera

Over the shoulder shot of the girl walking towards the door

Close up of door handle being opened

Low angle shot of girl walking out the room from outside the door

Mid shot of girl walking down the stairs

Switch to another mid shot of girl but this time from bottom of stairs
Low angle shot, Hand held shot, of the camera getting closer to the girl, walking down the stairs as if it the camera is the killer

Close up of girl creaming into the camera

Close up from outside house , where we can see the girl fall to the floor through the glass

Camera pans round from the window to the house number "337"

And so it begins that we have to again discuss what Props, Characters and Locations we should use in our Opening Sequence.

Location; After thinking long and hard about our location we decided we needed somewhere that had plain walls to really look like a abandonned house and create a eary feeling, we thought havng a room with lots of decoration wouldnt fit as it would look too "homey". We thought that maybe using a shed could work as its eary and looks really shabby and we could easily make it look dirty. However we thought that using a shed would have a lack of space and not enough room to film, so we considered many other places we could film, a forrest? but went against that idea as many films we had watched all set place in rooms and we thought it looked more effective. As it gives the effect that the killers have actually thought it through and made ana ctual place where they torture there victims..not just thrown them into a forrest. So the location we finally thought of was my dads house, 337 Fulbridge Road, Walton, Peterborough. We immediatly thought that the house number 337 had a eary ring to it and decided that we should call the film 337. We chose my house and my bedroom, because the walls of my bedroom were plain and the florrs were an old wooden floorboards, the doors also added to the aura we wanted to create as they were quite dated. Also in my bedroom i dont have many things within it so clearing it out will be really easy, The bed is positioned in perfect way with it facing opposite the window and near the door. So when we start to film everything is in the perfect postition and will flow easily.

Sound; We have throughly thought through what Non digetic and Digetic sound we can include in our opening sequence. We are thinking about perhaps having the non-digetic sound of an eary slow music in the background. This is to add effect that the person is in trouble and there is a big builkd up, it will also contarst with the fast pace of movement when the victim is trying to un tie herself. However we are not certain we will have this, Most of the films we reasearched did not have any non-digetic sound or if they did it was not obvious it was there. It usually would mingle and intertwine with the heavy breathing and sound of objects in the frame. However we are certain that when the victim comes around we wil have some the non-digetic sound of perhaps hammering or drilling or even screaming, this sound is going to be put here so that the victim wakes up t it... We were thinking that this noise could become digetic sound if we decided to have a quick shot of the noise being made but thsi is still undecided. It will all depend on how much time we have and weather the shot will work as we still need to have the sound coming through as the we see the victim wake up.

Dialogue; Most of our dialogue is very simply and will most probabaly contain alot of cursing and screaming.

Lighting; For lighting, we decided not to use any lighting boards or any extra lamps in our opening clip because we thought the natural light would look more authentic. Plus we want our clip to look as natural as possible but also slightly dark, but lucky for us Gemma has big dark curtains in her room so they worked perfectly blocking out enough light, and then when Amy opens the curtains, it looks like normal day time, that helps makes it seem freaky because of the state she is in.

Characters; We have two character in our opening sequence the victim and the killer. However we have decided the killer will never be reavealed in the opening. For some shots the camera will actually take the role of the killer. The audeince know the killer is there but never see him, we think this adds an scary freaky effect and messes with the audiences mind. The victim we have decided will be a girl, We chose a girl as we thought that having a man seemed unsual and in a sense that women can be portrayed as the weaker sex, also typically in most "torture porn" films the victims tend be more women than men. We also thought that by having girl and us being girls we can really send the message out that this can genuienly happen, maybe with not so much violence and torture but can happen and tpically in society it is the women who are preyed upon. Hence why also the Killer if we did have a real person playing it would be a man, This is because is all the films we watched the killer was a man, in Saw it was John Cramore a.k.a Jigsaw. And in society men are stereotypically the ones who are the killers. To put it bluntly. Amy Thorburn will play the Victim.

Character Representation;

"The victim"

In order for us to create a vulnerable approach to the girl we will use a verity of shot to create this, High angled shots will be used to show her vulnerability whereas the mid shots of her will show her being all alone in the room she is in and being the only victim in there. We need to show the girl as being the victim. During the opening sequence the victim begins to act quite mad and psycotic, this being becuase she has no clue what has gone on and is seriosuly desperate to get out of where she is, close ups of the camera will show her emotions change from deperation to anger and fury which makes her become crazy and have the deisre to kill the killer. However at one point the girl does become the more powerful person, this is when she is going to kill him and starts to act as the more powerful person of the two.

"The Killer"
The representation of the killer will be representated as the actual camera in some on the opening sequence, We hope the camera movement when it is filming walking down the stairs will act as the killer, The girl is going to be screaming at the camera so it does give the effect that he is the camera.

Costumes; The costumes will we have are going to be covered in blood alot. We are thinking that the vic tim should wear white to show that she was pure before the torture began. This may probably be a dress as that also symbolises a inncocent girl. We hope to be able to cover the dress in smear blood, and will definatly be ripped up to show that she has been tortured. The makeup on the girl will consist of blood and bruising by using normal makeup, we hope to achieve the look fo someone who has been through alot of gruesome torture and is covered with dryblood and dirt, he face makeup will also have blood on it and have dark black eyes as if she has been beaten, we hope to make her look pale aswell so that she look ill at the same time. Her hair will be greasy and messy as if she has been there held captive for a while, Overall her costume will be very bloody and disturbingly gruesome.

Props; The props we are going to use will be an empty made...literally the bed frame with the matress on it, no bed sheets or anything and loots of dirty/ plain sheets to cover the warddrobes again to add the effect of an abandoned house. Another major prop we are going to have a load of tools covered in blood, we got this idea from a poster from Hostel Part II, the poster included lots of tools some had blood dripping from it, we decided that we should have some tools covered in blood so that the audeince can see what the killer had done to the victim in order fro her to be covered in blood, some tools could also represent the past victims he has killed as some may be rusty. Blood is also a big prop we will use as we need it to cover alot of things.

Risk Assesment
Before we begin filming we have thought about all the risks that could take place while filming.
We are going to be filming in a house, in a bedroom so there is not much that could go wrong there unless you count normal hazards that could take place, for example, a fire which is most liekly not to happen as we are not using matches or flames while filming. However the main risks we knew could effect us are the use of the sharp and dangerous props, we have alot of dangerous tools whihc we will use and before filming we need to cover this in blood and look realistic, we realise we must be careful while holding these tools as some are extremely sharp knifes where we have to touch the blades in order to cover them in mud and blood, to get a true effect. We also know that we should not mess around with the knifes or tools and be careful while moving them around, however to be on the safe side we have a first aid kit avaliable near us while filming. The girl (character) who must handle the tools while filming must also be careful not to harm herself as at one point she drops the knife, none of us will be near the dropping and she will make sure she drops it at a safe distant away from herself.

The next major risk we have is when we film the shot from outside the window, we have named this a high risk as one of us will need to lean out of a top bedroom window in order to capture the shot, We have highlighted that the other two girls who are not filming the shot will hold very tightly onto the girl who is filming and insuring they have a tight grip on her so if by chnace she leans too far they still both have a hold of her by her waist and legs. We have also ensured that we will not be leaning too far out the window to capture the shot. However to be on the safe side again we have emergency contact numbers avaliable if anything were to go wrong. However after assesing the risks we will put ourselves in we know what not to do and how to be careful when doing or dealing with these risks.

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